Guida agli episodi
della serie televisiva di
Tutti gli episodi della serie giapponese

1. I'm Lum the Notorious!
This episode opens with a baseball game and Ataru getting
hit with a left field flyball. Ataru is soon escorted home and
discovers he's been chosen to fight an invading alien force's
champion in a 10-day game of tag. If he loses, the aliens will
invade. But if he wins, the aliens will go home. Ataru isn't at
all willing to play tag until he sees the alien's champion: the
beautiful Lum.
2. It's Raining Oil All Over Town
This episode opens with Ataru friends Megane and Lum's Stormtroopers at school who are
watching films of the tag game. In this episode, a space taxi gives Ataru a ride
home by accident and the fee is...too much. Since Ataru cannot pay, the space
Taxi Collection Agency starts stealing all the oil in the world.
3. Space Mail Arrival of Ten-chan!
This is the first episode with Jariten, Lum's cousin. Jariten
arrives in a giant peach and he and Ataru are fiends at once.
4. Mrs. Swallow and Mrs. Penguin
This episode opens with Lum putting on makeup to go meet
Darling at school. A swallow swallows some food Jariten gives it
and it grows such that it looks like a penguin. It's appearance
in school is just the start of a full day of panic.
5. The Metamorphic Handsome Man Rei is Here!
This show features the first appearance of Rei, Lum's former fiance. This episode
opens with Ataru in his room watching a storm, and Lum trying to coax him to bed.
Shinobu meets Rei and brings him to Ataru's house. After a lot of arguing, Rei
challenges Ataru to a duel for Lum.
6. Drop Dead, You Lady-Killer!
Ataru, Megane, and friends are going to a Gyudon restaurant
for lunch and are quite shocked to see Rei munching down food
like a black hole. During the rest of the episode, Rei is chasing
Lum, Ataru and friends and as the chase goes on, the chaos grows on.
7. Kintaro of the Autumn Sky
First episode with Kintaro, the vicious little boy with the
pet flying bear and the red haired alien nanny. Lum and Jariten
meet Kintaro inside a wind carp, and Kintaro tells them he's was
looking for his nanny in the carp. Ataru, Shinobu, Lum, and
Jariten try to help Kintaro find his nanny by asking around.
8. Live Vigorously!
Kintaro's nanny, with Ataru's help takes the alien children
on a tour of Earth and a Earth child's school. Ataru tells the
myth of the real Kintaro who grew up in the wild and slew a
demon. So Kintaro decide to live up to his name.
9. The Mysterious Seductive Beauty Sakura
First appearance of Sakura, The Shinto maiden. Ataru can no
longer endure Lum, so he has gone undercover. Unfortunately, at a
restaurant, the appearance of Lum, Ataru parents, Shinobu, and
Cherry blows his cover; and a mob chases after him. He manages to
duck them and bumps into Sakura, who takes him home for exorcising.
10. Tormenting Virus
Arriving at school one morning, Ataru is greeted by all
boys in the school who are waiting for the new nurse, Sakura,
arriving at school today. Ataru appears to be sick, but in reality
he is possessed; and Sakura performs the exorcism.
11. Love Triangle Black Hole
Ataru is phoning Shinobu in order to make plans for a date,
when Lum interrupts and get's Shinobu mad at Ataru. Ataru throws
Lum out and spends the rest of the episode trying to contact
Shinobu. But Lum is persistent and uses a ray to jam the phone
lines. But this ray also has the side affect of making a plane
and a helicopter vanish.
12. Hey Hey, It's a Little Demon
Walking home from school, Ataru is assaulted by a group of
black cats and gets a nasty bump on the head. At midnight, he is
using two mirrors to look at the bump, when a little demon pops
out of the mirror. The demon proves to be too much for Ataru and
Mr. Moroboshi, so they get Cherry to exorcise it.
13. The Scary Electric Shock!
Cherry gives Ataru some yellow ribbons which when tied to
her horns, negate Lum's powers. In order to coax Lum into wearing
them, Ataru has to put on a big charade of really loving her.
14. The Doll of Ill Will
After an odd loss of control of his body after dinner,
Ataru finds out Lum has some clay for making voodoo dolls. Ataru
takes full advantage of the situation until Lum make a doll of
Shinobu, and Ataru tries to get it away from Lum.
15. Neptune Beyond the Closet
First appearance of Oyuki, Lum friend and queen of Neptune.
Oyuki also has incredible ice powers. Megane and friends visit
while Shinobu is nursing Ataru, who has a cold; and they discover
a gate to Neptune in Ataru closet. By accident, they go through
this gate and arrive on Neptune to be greeted by Lum and Oyuki.
16. The Confusing Dinosaur Age
While Ataru is flying an ultra-light, with Lum and Jariten
tagging along, Kintaro crashes into him. With the help of Lum's
electric shock, the crash send them all back in time to the
dinosaur age.
17. Sleeping Beauty Princess Kurama
First episode with Kurama, the karas-tengu princess. On a
field trip, Ataru and friends accidentally meet a karas-tengu who
takes Ataru to marry Kurama. Kurama then tries to reform Ataru to
be her perfect husband.
18. Athletic Woman Hell!
Kurama uses a weird dimensional door to try and cure Ataru
of his lechery. Inside the door, Ataru faces hostile versions of
the girls he loves.
19 & 20. Pitter-Patter Christmas Eve
Megane and Lum's Stormtroopers set up a plot to embarrass
Ataru and get Lum to leave him at the same time. They set up a
date who will make a fool of Ataru, but Lum finds out and twists
things around.
21 & 22. Ataru Genji Visits Heinkyo
First appearance of Mendou, the rich noble; but it is
not until episode 27 that he really does anything. Mendou tells a
tale about ancient Japan featuring the normal cast in a slightly
different alien invasion story. The aliens this time, all look
like a bunch odd barbarians, except for a pretty girl and her
young boy cousin.
23. Love Battle Royale
First appearance of Tsubame, Sakura's boy friend who has
some magic abilities. Sakura invites Ataru, Lum, Shinobu, Megane,
Perm, Chibi, and Kakugari to a disco. Things later go haywire as
Tsubame starts casting spells and all sorts of weird creatures
appear, including Rei.
24. Father, You Were Strong
Kurama takes Ataru back in time to help her father who
appears to be afraid of women. Later Ataru and Kurama's father
have to get past a guard on a bridge.
25. Hawaiian Swimsuit Thief
Ataru, Lum, Shinobu, Sakura, Megane, Cherry, and others are
staying at a beachside resort. During the day, an octopus is
stealing peoples swimsuits, but it appears to look like Cherry is
doing it. At the end, they find the octopus and beat him up.
26. Full Course from Hell
Still at the resort, the group meets some maniac who is
having an all-you-can-eat contest. Sakura reveals the secret of
her figure to be a diet pill called "Beauty Foods." But we really
know the real reason is Sakura can just plain eat like a whale,
and we see her do so as she beats Ataru and Cherry in the contest
and clean the maniac of all his food.
27. Mendou Arrives With Trouble!
Mendou returns for a formal introduction on his first day at
school. He and Ataru have a duel for presidency of the class
which ends in a tie. So they have a duel with cannons, which
Ataru wins with help from Lum.
28. Constellation-Go-Round
Lum's computer tells her that Mendou is really the best
choice for her lover, so she brings a set of constellation scales
to school and weight Ataru versus Mendou in a series of test in
the scales. At the end, the scales break and we see the class as constellations.
29. Great Kiss War
First appearance of Benten, Lum's best friend the goddess.
Lum takes Ataru to another planet to help in a battle against
Benten's family. The battle consists of catching stones in bowls
on a giant set of scales. Ataru starts playing with Benten and
ends up messing up the entire game.
30. The Benten Corps' Return Match
Benten and her girl biker friends come to Earth for another
round of fun. Ataru sides up with Benten again, and Lum recruits
Jariten and some people dressed as demons.
31. Oh, Lonely Teacher!
First appearance of Kuribayashi Sensei. Ataru and Kuribayashi are enemies from
the very start. Then Lum shows up and Kuribayashi falls in love. Finally Lum goes
out with Kuribayashi in hopes on lightening his spirits.
32. Terrible Inspection Day
On a day when students mothers come to school, Mrs. Mendou
and Lum's mother get into a dispute and Mrs. Moroboshi acts as
judge by setting up a roulette game.
33. Fourth Dimensional Camera
Mendou bring an antique camera to school that sends Ataru
off into other worlds. Lum manages to find him through a class
room window that had been stuck for years.
34. Demonic Jogging
Every morning, Ataru goes jogging early to see girls. On
the way to school, Ataru breaks the fall of an attempted suicide
as he was grabbing for a 100-yen coin below her. Ataru and Mendou
get into a dispute over who is more noble and end up playing a
game of tennis.
35. Girl's Day! Ran-chan's Arrival
First appearance of Ran, Lum's childhood friend. During a
small celebration at the Moroboshi house, a little doll enchants
Ataru to follow it to Ran. Ran tries to kiss Ataru to drain his
youth, but Lum shows up.
36. Ran-chan's Introduction
Ran invites Lum, Ataru, and Ten over for cookies and tea, but
her real plot is to suck Ataru's youth. Ran makes a double of
Ataru and tries switching them, but she gets confused and loses
the real Ataru.
37. Diary of Sorrowful Tomorrows
Lum acquire's Ataru's diary that has written in events that will happen
throughout the day. Ataru tries to use it to his advantage, but
the records in the diary are not quite how they first read;
making use of puns or ambiguous statements.
38. Who is this Child?
Mendou finds an alien child in his locker and goes through
great lengths to hide it from everyone. Later after everyone has
found out, a whole mob of these alien children arrive, just for
39. Sleeping in Class on a Wonderful Spring Day
During math class, Kuribayashi and all the students fall
asleep, save for Ataru and Mendou. Lum arrives and finds out that
a tiny old man and girl are responsible for this magic. The tiny
girl then uses some more magic to have a party with Lum, Ataru,
and Mendou; until the principal arrives with some parents.
40. Peach Blossom Poetry Contest
Lum, Mendou, Shinobu, Ran, Ten, Sakura, and Cherry all are
in a blossom orchard for some traditional reason. Ataru is in the
blossom orchard for a picnic. Cherry's chanting summons some sort
of woman spirit, whom Ataru runs off and meets with a giant.
41. Duel! Ataru vs. Ataru
Ataru eats a lollipop Lum gave him and gets a mouth burn.
Running off, he finds Cherry and a weird melon, which Ataru eats
to cool his mouth. The melon causes Ataru to split into two
Ataru's, one polite and the other casual. The two continue to
fight all day.
42. Waking to a Nightmare
Sleeping in class, Ataru has weird dreams which he relates
a little of as he occasionally talks in his sleep. Annoyed, his
classmates wake him and a dream demon comes out from Ataru's sleep.
Special 1: Urusei Yatsura All-Star Bash
Mrs. Moroboshi narrates a recapping of the series up
to this point.
Special 2: Grade School Excursion! Run For It!
First episode with Kaede, the ninja girl. On a school
trip to a rustic village, Ataru finds a scroll dropped by a
female ninja, Kaede. Her ninja master has her try to get it back
by pretending to have a fondness for Ataru. But Lum shows up to
protect her darling. So the master gets two more female ninjas
and a clan of baby ninja's.
43 & 44. The Great Space Marriage Plan
First appearance of Primu, the winged and horned lady;
and the Prince of the Underground. Lum's dad has set up a party
for suitors to Lum. When Ataru finds out; he, Jariten, and primu
arm themselves to save Lum. But they arrive just in time to see
Lum betrothed to a unicorn boy who is really in love with another
girl. Ataru, Ten, Primu, the Prince, and the other girl all
kidnap Lum and Uni and finally get all the couples straightened
out. Lum-Ataru, Uni-girl, and Primu-Prince (against his wishes).
45 & 46. The Spring Blossom Picnic
In the first part, Ataru is kidnaped by a kappa, a
kind of turtle/lizard humanoid, and taken to her palace beneath
the water. But he returns with a mermaid to an unwelcomed group.
In the second part, Lum, Ataru, Mendou, and Shinobu explore a cave
and get lost. They eventually wind up in a buried UFO and snack
on the canned goods therein.
47. Beware the Earmuffs!
An alien sells Ataru and Ten some earmuffs that have a
slight effect of switching maids. Ataru tries to use these to his
advantage and ends up dragging Ten, Cherry, his parents, Lum,
Shinobu, and Sakura into a mess.
48. Fly, Imo-chan!
At School, a little worm starts eating everyone's food and
Ataru and Lum try to save it from the wrath of the others. By the
end of the day, the worm has spun a cocoon and hatches into a
beautiful fairy.
49. Ten-chan's Love
Jariten and Sakura go on a double date with Lum and Ataru
in order to appease Jariten recent moodiness. Kintaro also appears
every so often. The story ends with an emotional scene between Ten
and Sakura.
50. What a Dracula!
A elderly vampire wants blood of a young girl, and with the
help of his daughter, he get Ataru and Lum to help. They end up
tricking Ran into coming to the vampire and Ataru tries to kiss
the daughter. When Ran figures out what's going on, she sends the
vampire to a blood donor wagon.
51. Lum's Educational Therapy for Little Boys
Lum goes back in time through a tea cup in order to train
Ataru to be a faithful boy by planting a doll of her on his head
that zaps him any time he touches another girl and gets ideas.
The older Ataru accidentally falls through the time tea cup and about 3 meters. This also
happens to give the flower more life and a will of it's own.
53. The Beautiful Maiden Comes with the Rain
Ataru manages to get a date with a new girl at school,
Tsuyuko, who is always preceded by rain. This is caused by a
curse put on Tsuyuko's dad, who as a child made friends with a
bad weather spirit and promised never to lever her. But his
family moved so she cursed him.
54. Give Me Back My Horn!
Jariten loses his horn and powers in a nasty fight with
Ataru, who then begins to really torment Jariten. Ran, finding
the horn thinks it's Lum's and she uses it to curse the horn's
owner to grow a cactus in it's place.
55. All Quiet in the Library!
In the school library, Ataru meets a girl named Wendy who
he helps with her library chores. After Lum arrives, the books
start coming to life and the characters within help to cause a
lot of chaos. At the end, we find out Wendy herself is from the
book Peter Pan.
56. Teacher Hanawa's Arrival! Such is Youth!
First appearance for Hanawa-sensei. It's Hanawa's first day
as a teacher and Lum's first day as a student. Ataru tries to
make Hanawa go crazy by showing Lum's abilities, but Hanawa is too
placid. Later, We meet Natsuko as Lum and Ataru join the volley
ball team. Natsuko has had a great hatred of men since she was
dumped by her boyfriend, whom she thinks Mendou looks like. Ataru,
Lum, and Mendou try to give Natsuko a second chance at love.
57. Yearning for the Sad Monster
At a pool, at one of Mendou's hotels, a little blue monster has set up his home
and is visited by an unconscious Ataru. Eventually the goblin is seen by all, and
all evacuate the pool. Mendou orders the goblin to leave, so it does...for the
Moroboshi house. So the next day, the kids take the goblin to the beach to find
it a new home.
58. Darling's Had It This Time!
In an ice cream cafe, Lum and Ran are reminiscing about
childhood times. of course, Ran is getting very angry and their
waiter very hurt. Next day Ran leaves some candy for Ataru which
when he eats causes him to get sick. As he goes to the nurse, Ran
grabs Lum and ties her up in a closet. Ran then also goes to the
nurse's office feigning sickness so she can try to kiss Ataru and
suck his youth. But Sakura doesn't want to allow this.
59. Rei Returns! Crisis in the Classroom
First appearance of Onsen-Mark sensei, who has little hot
spring symbols on his clothes. Rei comes to school and spends all
day eating other people's food. Ran tries her best to win Rei's
affections. He then leaves so he won't be late for dinner.
60. Appearance of the Red Phantom!
At school, there is a dance, and Onsen-Mark tells of how
when he was a student, a mysterious phantom man in black and red
stole away with Onsen-Mark's girlfriend. This same phantom shows up
again this year, but by now he's fat. Lum tries to lift his
spirits, but the fat phantom makes a fool of himself and gets
carried off by his wife, Onsen-Mark's girlfriend from years ago
who is now grotesque.
61. Pitter Patter, Summer Date
Lum blackmails Ataru into dating her by taking his book of
girl's addresses. On the date, Lum tries to act like a normal
Earth girl would. They go swimming and rollerskating, and later
meet Perm who also has a date.
.I mean a GIANT watermelon which turns out to be a watermelon god;
and he attacks them. In the second half, they join Sakura and Cherry for a party.
But they are joined by a lizard-goblin who is always crying.
64. Panic in the Typhoon!
A typhoon is set to hit Tomobiki and the Moroboshi's are
preparing by boarding up the house. Lum has a small capsule that
has an effect on water which ultimately causes Lum and the Moro
boshi's to be in a level of air between two levels of water in
the house.
65. Drunken Boogie
At school, Ataru feeds Ten and Lum each an umeboshi, a
cherry flavored with alcohol, and finds out Lum's race has no
tolerance to alcohol. In a drunken rage, Lum flies about zapping
people and trying to get more alcohol. Onsen-Mark thinks someone
has sake in school because it is impossible to get drunk just on
66. Fear of Meow
Atop the Moroboshi house, Ataru, Ten, and Lum meet a half
cat/half woman named Misuzu. As a human, Misuzu was drying and
she melded with her cat to her present state. Ataru and Ten fight
a cat with an eyepatch to see who will get to kiss Misuzu, and
turn her into a full human or cat.
67. After You've Gone
In a Japanese survey, this was the #1 Urusei Yatsura episode.
During a party celebrating Lum's first year on Earth, Ataru goes into
a tirade about how horrible it is living with Lum, and Lum leaves....the
Earth. But she leaves behind a doll she stitched together with her hair
which Ataru finds. Ataru, Mendou, and everyone else spend the whole
next day looking for Lum.
68. Lum-chan's Class Party
During the day, many visitors interrupt the Class; which are
Cherry, Jariten, Benten, Oyuki, Rei, Primu, and the Prince of the
underground; all who are avoiding Lum. Then Ataru and Mendou
disappear. It turns out that Lum's alien friends are having a
surprise party for Lum and the episode ends with a happy festival.
69. Lunch is a Battlefield!
During lunchtime at school, the teachers are using espionage
and force to keep the students at school for lunch; and the
teachers are aided by Mendou and a few other students. Ataru, Lum,
and the other rebel students discover the teachers plan and retaliate.
70. Shiver! Mystery in the Odd Fossil Land
Ataru, Lum, Mendou, Shinobu, and Jariten all go on a picnic
to a remote part of Japan which has some fossils. A group of
archaeologists are also exploring this area and using a lot of
fancy tricks to make the exploration seem more dramatic than it
is. Ataru constructs a bird monstrosity with some fossils and Lum
bring it to life. The bird then goes about reaping havoc.
71. Princess Kurama's New Challenge
Kurama has her subjects place her in suspended sleep again
in the hopes that some prince may awaken her. Although Ataru is
the one to really kiss and revive her. Kurama thinks Mendou did
and she goes through great efforts to get him to be her mate.
72. Terrible Toothache Wars!
Jariten has a weird toothache. It can spread like a disease
by biting someone, and he bites Ataru, who the starts to spread
it among his school mates and Onsen-Mark. As Lum demonstrates on
Onsen-Mark, the cure is very painful; so they continue to fight.
73. The Mendou Older Brother & Younger Sister!
This episode introduces Mendou's younger sister Ryoko. On
the way to school, Ataru is scared by Ryoko in her Death
guise. At school, Ryoko tries to feed her brother lunch; but
Mendou is wise to her tricks. Ataru nobly offers to be fed the
lunch, but Lum intervenes. Ryoko then makes an offer for Ataru to
visit her for a Romeo and Juliet rendezvous. Mendou and Lum try
their best to stop this meeting.
74. Cat on the Stairway
First appearance of Kotatsu Neko (cat), the giant white half ghost
kitty. Jariten meets Kotatsu and invites him home. Upon seeing a
kotatsu, a heater table, in the house; Kotatsu cuddles up beside
it, blocking the stairway. Sakura and Cherry arrive to expel
Kotatsu and find out that kotatsu died of cold many years ago and
that is why he wants heat. Ataru tries to leave his room, Mrs.
Moroboshi tries to leave Mr. Moroboshi; but everyone, including
Kotatsu, ends up staying home.
75. Can the Raccoon Return the Favor?
Ataru helps a wounded bird who transforms itself into a
raccoon and move in to repay the service to Ataru. The raccoon
tries to do good, always makes a mess of matters, do it changes
back into a bird and flies away.
76. Desperate Sub-Space Part-Time Job
Lum takes Ataru down an alley into an weird ancient Japanese
town. After getting lost, Ataru does some running around and
meets Lum again. Lum then introduces Ataru to a being who gives
Ataru a job in a bath house for aliens and Ataru tries desperately
to get over to the female's side.
77. Lum-chan's Great Year-End Celebration!
Lum brings two dimensional doors to class that take the
students to a crazy fictional world where they temporarily forget
themselves and take new identities; Mendou becomes Sherlock
Holmes, Lum becomes a genie. Onsen-Mark show up and Ataru and
Mendou try to help him remember who he is.
78. Children in Vain, Musashi, Signs of the Times
The normal cast is again put into an ancient Japanese
story with Ataru as a food thief with Onsen-Mark and Cherry as his
occasional companions. Ataru ends up running from Sakura, Lum and
Mendou with a giant monkey. In the end however, it is Onsen-Mark
who comes out ahead.
79. Risking One's Life in Class
Ataru and friends defeat Jariten with a barrage of snowballs,
so Jariten seek to take revenge in the classroom. Unfortunately,
today Onsen-Mark demands complete silence in the class and the
students do their best to comply.
80. Is a Husband & Wife Quarrel Survival of the Fittest?
Lum's mother boots father out of the house, so he comes to
stay with Lum. He then visits the school for a day and gives a
speech about being married, which ultimately gets interrupted by
Lum's mother.
81. Getting a Kiss from Miss. Snow!
Lum gets Ataru to go on a ski trip with her, but Mendou,
Shinobu, and Lum's guards find out and tail along to cause static,
Ataru enters a ski contest. The one who finds a small treasure chest
on the mountain and bring it in, wins a kiss from Miss Snow!
82. St. Valentine's Day Horror
Mako, a small girl, falls in love with Ten-chan, but Ten
can't stand her. Lum and Ataru prove to be only more trouble for
Jariten as both of them try to help Mako get Ten-chan; when Lum
and Ataru aren't too busy fighting amongst themselves.
83. Love, Love, Catchball!
Lum brings Jariten a pair of crystal spheres which each has
an eye on it; one is red with a heart for females, the other blue
with a star for males. If the correctly gendered person gazes
into the eye, it will reveal one's destined mate?. Lum, Shinobu,
Sakura, and Ran all meet to use these crystals; Ataru, Mendou, and
Tsubame also show up; and everyone ends up in a fight.
84. The Mendou Family's Masquerade War
Ryoko invites Ataru over for a masquerade and Mendou gets a
billion others to also show up for a masquerade battle. Ataru
tries desperately to get to Ryoko despite the attempts of Lum,
Mendou, and others.
85. Space Cold Panic!
Lum catches a cold from her daddy when he visits and she
wears a surgeons mask to keep the virus from spreading. Megane
and friends pay Ataru to get them Lum's mask since it was on
Lum's face, but it turns out the virus has a weird effect on
humans. It causes contacted areas to become orange-green striped.
86. Ryunosuke Arrives! I Love the Sea!
First appearance of Ryunosuke and her father Mr. Fujinami.
Ataru, Lum, Shinobu, and Mendou go to the beach and meet Ryu and
her dad who break into fights every few minutes. Next day Ryu and
dad show up at school for Mr. Fujinami just got a job running the
bookstore, and we continue to hear more of Ryu's problem of
wanting to be feminine.
87. Goodbye Season
Ataru and Megane spend an afternoon talking and Shinobu
eavesdrops on the conversation which makes everyone think Ataru
is going to give up Lum to someone. Shinobu believes Mendou will
be the first choice so she sends a secret force out to intercept
Ataru but Megane shows up to see Ataru gets to school and deliver
a speech that shocks everyone.
88. Ran-chan's Great Date Plan
Ran meets and falls in love with Ryu and asks Ryu out on a
date. Ryu agrees because she wants to learn how to be feminine by
watching Ran. Despite Lum and Ataru's efforts, Ran refuses to
believe Ryu is a girl.
89. Happy Birthday My Darling
It's Ataru birthday and Lum wants to know what he wants. He
wants to be free from her for at least his birthday. So Ataru
goes through the entire day never meeting Lum till an accidental
meeting at night when he's happy to meet her.
90. Seeing Shangri-La as a Hell Camp!
Lum, Ataru, Mendou, Megane, and Perm are camping. Mendou,
Megane, and Perm painfully find out Lum's cooking is terribly hot
and spicy; and Ataru, Mendou, and Perm set out at night to go
hunting. They find a rabbit, bit it tries to offer other meaning
of getting food. Next day, the kids are fishing and discover a
huge peach and Cherry, Cherry shows them where to get the peaches
and they end up meeting some priests and having a race.
91. The Groom's Name is Ryunosuke
Kurama's karas-tengus meet Ryu and decide she's perfect for
their princess, until they discover Ryu's a girl. So they get a
sex change gun which accidentally hits Ataru.
92. Bottled Letter Seashore Mystery!
Lum, Ataru, Ten, Shinobu, and Mendou are vacationing at the
seashore. The boys each get a bottles love letter from a young
woman who convinces them to stay at a weird hotel run by an old
woman and a giant man.
93. Dramatic Appearance! Mizunokoji Ton-chan!
First appearance of Ton-chan (Tobimaro). He is first seen
hit in the face with a baseball, which he swallows. Tobimaro is
Mendou's childhood rival and Ryoko's love interest as we find out
in this episode.
94. Shinobu's Cinderella Story
Shinobu helps a handsome dashing young man hide from some
ugly dagger street rejects. Buts the goons continue to track both
Shinobu and the man. Even some police are after the man, and
Ataru, Lum, Megane and friends get into the act.
95. Lum-chan the Ruthless Rebel
Lum, Ataru, Mendou, Ryu, Shinobu, and Lum's Stormtroopers make a
movie featuring Lum, Shinobu, Ryu, Mendou, and Perm as super
powered beings with Ataru as the saint of love.
96. The Big Showdown! Sakura vs. Sakuranbo
One day, Lum makes some of her wonderful cooking for Ataru.
But Sakura and Cherry show up and have a psychic battle.
97. Ghost Story! Old Man Willow!
Onsen-Mark tells the students a few ghost stories related to
the high school, in particular, about a willow tree. In mock of
the story, Ataru writes "Mendou's an idiot" on the willow in
marker. The tree sprouts forth an old man who tries to avenge
itself on Ataru by tricking him into searching for treasure on
the school grounds. But Mendou and Onsen-Mark are also at the
school that night checking about ghost stories.
98. And Then There Were None
Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, Mendou, Onsen-Mark, Sakura, Cherry, and
Lum's guard are all at a mansion on an Island by invitation. by
and by our friends are each found dead until only Ataru is left.
99. Firefighter Mommy Visits!
First appearance of Ten-chan's mother who is a fire fighter.
She gives Ataru a bell to ring in case he happens to find a
fire that needs extinguishing, namely one by Ten-chan. Ten
desperately tries to fry Ataru without letting him ring the bell,
but Mother keeps popping up with a storm of water.
100. Darling's Dying!?
Ran makes some special cakes for Rei for a picnic. These
act as about 10 times the food they are. Ataru accidentally eats
one of these and goes under. Lum trues desperately to save Darling
and ends up trying to track down Ran in another world to
find a cure.
101. Pitiful! Mother of Love and Banishment!?
Ataru's mother is knocked unconscious during a fight at
the mall and has several nightmares that each begin with her
waking from unconsciousness. One time she comes home to find
she's grown old. Another time she comes home to meet herself.
102. The Mendou Family's Summer Christmas
Ryoko invites our cast to a summer Christmas party, where
chained in pairs, they must try to climb to the top of a giant
Christmas tree for a banquet.
103. Panic at the Ghost Inn
On vacation at the seashore again, Lum, Ataru, Shinobu,
and Mendou stay at a hotel run by a weird old couple who like to
scare their guests. But they have a real ghost of a beautiful
young woman who spends a day with the kids at the beach.
104. Ah, Mother of My Memory
Ryunosuke has dinner at the Moroboshi's house after are
turning Ten-chan who she found. Returning home, Ryu has a fight
with her father about Ryu's mother. Ryu returns to see Mrs.
Moroboshi who that night had been so motherly. Later, Ryu forces
her father to show her the family album so she can see her mother,
but Mr. Fujinami had anticipated this and surprises Ryu.
105. Plenty of Sun, Plenty of Sickness
Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, Ten, Mendou, and Sakura are at the
beach. Jariten has a neat little wand that turns sand object into
real ones. So Ataru and Mendou make 3 sand Sakura's and bring them
to life. In the second part, Lum meets a dolphin and with the
help of a disguising earring, She tries to make Darling jealous
by having the dolphin pose as a handsome lover.
106. Big Bang! Ten vs. Ataru
Ten has numerous little fights, all which Ataru wins. So
Cherry helps Ten by convincing him to wear weighted shoes to
build strength. This only succeeds in hurting Ten more, so one
morning he and Ataru have a duel. Ataru arrives at school with a
cast on his arm and blames Ten, but that's not quite the end.
107. Horrors! Attack of the Slimy Potatoes!
Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, and Mendou all stay at a house in the
wilderness and are attacked by some slimy potatoes blobs which
turn out to be delicious. They eventually break out of the house
and flee, but ultimately end up where they started.
108. Revenge of the Planetary Instructor CAO-2
Lum, Benten, Oyuki, Ran are reminiscing about a past robot
teacher CAO-2. Ataru, and Mendou show up and are soon followed by
CAO-2. Our friends then set up a big plan to get CAO-2 in a night
fight at the school.
109. Hysterical! The Nasty Brat Shutaro!
Lum, Ataru, Mendou, Shinobu, and Ryunosuke go back in time
and meet Mendou as a little boy in order to find out why he is
claustrophobic. The younger Mendou proves to be more than a brat
and Ataru and the older Mendou get caught. Lum, Shinobu, and Ryu
come to the rescue and we find out how Mendou acquired his fear.
110. Wonderful! The Magic Mushroom Pot!
Cherry brings some magic mushrooms to school and the
students cook and eat the. But these mushrooms has a strange
affect on everyone except Lum; and they all start preforming acts.
111. The Wrathful Lum-chan!
In a fight with Ataru, Jariten accidentally burns a scarf
Lum has just made for Ataru. Ataru tries to get Lum angry with
Ten, but Ten goes off thinking of how he can apologize. He ask
many people for help, but Sakura is ultimately the one who get
Jariten to set things right.
112. Lum and Ataru, A Night Alone
Mr. & Mrs. Moroboshi win a trip for a weekend and leave
Ataru and Lum alone for the first time. Ataru tries desperately
to seek sanctuary elsewhere, but Lum gets him home and cooks
dinner. Mendou, Megane, and Lum's Stormtroopers try to keep the two
apart, but Lum and Ataru manage to get rid of them. By then it's
time for bed.
113. Lady Ryunosuke
Onsen-Mark gives Ryunosuke lessons in how to be feminine
and finally takes her to a wrestling match. The wrestlers get too
out of hand and accidentally rip Ryu's beautiful dress and get
her mad.
114. Document: Who Will Be Miss Tomobiki?
The school has a contest for the title of Miss Tomobiki.
Lum, Shinobu, Ran, Ryunosuke, and Sakura are the contestants; and
Ataru is the final judge.
115. Strange! The Wonder Medicine of Selflessness
Cherry gives Kotatsu an enchanted fish cookie and Kotatsu
in turn gives it to Ataru, upon eating it, Ataru falls asleep.
His spirit escapes from his physical body and he goes spying on
Sakura and Shinobu in his new ghost form.
116. Shutaro, Miserable Morning
One morning Shutaro is recalling unpleasant memories Lum's
and Ataru's relation has had on him and how he's lost to Ataru so
many times. Cherry shows up only to help Mendou remember and cause
more grief.
117. Tales of the Wandering Snowman
A snowman arrives from space and accidentally gets Jariten
angry at it. Ataru unknowingly saves the snowman many times so it
thanks Ataru with a late night encounter.
118. Lum-chan's Ancient Japanese Fairy Tales
Cherry tells an ancient fairy tale involving kiddie versions
of an elderly Lum and Ataru who have Jariten as a son who grows
up to fight an evil Rei who captured a princess Lum.
119. Shine! The Blessed Bra!!
First episode with Soban, the beady eyed, big lip bald
goon who loves Shinobu. Soban's flunkies try to get Shinobu to
date him, but Shinobu seeks safety with Ryunosuke making the
flunkies think Ryu's her boyfriend. The jerks find out Ryu's a girl
and bribe her with a bra to get her to pose with Shinobu for some
date photos.
120. Duel! Benten vs. the Three Daughters
First appearance of Sugar, Ginger, and Pepper; the three
skebans who attend the same school Lum, Benten, and Oyuki did.
The skebans are trying to prove themselves greater than their
seniors by humiliating them. This time their scheme is stealing
Benten chain and the skebans go through utterly silly lengths.
121. Plenty of Lum-chans!
Ran kidnaps Lum and makes a copy of her. Ran sends the
copy off to go zap Ataru so he'll be mad at Lum. However, electricity
causes the copy to act like the original, but Ran doesn't
realize until after she's made 6 copies, all which now think and
act like Lum.
122. Certain Death! Stand-Up Eating Contest
Mendou's company hosts a noodle eating contest with some of
our normal cast and some others. Two of these others have a love
tragedy which is remedied at the end of the contest.
123. The Great Vault! Courageous Survival!!!
Mendou is showing off a large vault of his to Ataru when
they are accidentally locked in and spend the rest of the episode
trying to get out.
124. Operation; Peek in the Woman's Bath
Ataru, Mendou, Megane, Chibi, Perm, and Kakugari are at a
bath house trying to peek over at the women's side. As the story
continues, more of the female cast members show up.
125. Sakura, Sad Years of Youth
Cherry puts something in Sakura's food so that when she
sleeps, a copy of Sakura as a young girl appears.
126. Burning Ran's Emotional Video Mail
Ran get some videotapes in the mail filled with bad moments
in her life. Good thing there's no return address.
127. Sakura San of Youth
This episode is narrated by Ataru who is recalling memories of
Sakura and her influence.
128. Scramble! To the Rescue of Lum!
After a fight with Darling, Lum returns to her UFO which
crashes overnight on the Mendou estate. Lum's lost her memory and
Mendou convinces her she's his fiancee. Ataru and Lum's Stormtroopers
together fight to free Lum.
129. A Fight to the Death! Ataru vs. The Mendou Brigade!
Part 2 of Story 128, in which the 5 heroes scramble across the
Mendou estate to try and save Lum.
130. Dimensional Switch, Where's Darling?
Lum and Ataru are walking in a park and Lum goes through a
dimensional warp door. Lum locates the door and arrive at various
parallel worlds of Tomobiki, in one of which Ataru lost the tag
131. Crash! Her Ladyship and the Football of Love
At school, the boys and Ryunosuke are playing rugby in
P.E. class when the football is switched for a UFO shaped like a
football which is visiting Earth. Ryu, Lum and ataru are taken
inside the UFO and Ataru chases the UFO's princess while Lum
chases Ataru.
132. Ran-chan, Tasting the Tearful Love of a First Kiss
Ran bakes some fish food snack with a special ingredient
that should cause Rei to kiss her when he eats them.
133. The Indelible Magic Lipstick
Lum makes some lipstick that cannot be rubbed off, and
works like a magnet when two people put the lipstick on. Lum
tries to use it on Ataru but he swipes it from her and tries to
use it at school the next day. However, so does everyone else.
134. Deadly Combat! The Mendou Family's Flower Display Death Match
Something has been causing trouble with it's late night
snacking anywhere it pleases, and it turns out to be Ryoko's pet
cherry blossom tree. When the tree eats a leg off each of Shutaro's
octopi, he stages a wrestling match between his secret
police and Ryoko's tree. But Ataru and Lum get in on the fight.
135. Benten & Ryunosuke; Run for the Morrow
Benten and Ryunosuke meet a small girl who loses her
kitten. The two swipe a biker gang leader's bike to go after it
and end up getting the whole gang after them.
136. Great Horrors! Oyuki is Finally Angered!
A snow lemming from Oyuki's planet accidentally comes home
with Ran and starts causing her great problems. Lum, Oyuki, and
Benten show up to try and help, but the only result is a fight
between Benten and Ran. Finally everyone calms down, but now
Oyuki has to scold the lemming.
137. Ten-chan's Wonderful Love Story
Jariten meets a ghost girl who very much wants to hug a
puppy, but because she's ethereal, she can't. So Jariten tries to
help her by letting her posses his body.
138. Haunted House Special! Quest for Mendou Estate Treasure!
Mendou's grandfather sends Shutaro on a treasure hunt for
the Mendou mask, and Ataru, Lum, Shinobu, and Lum's Guard come
along as they all go across ice plains, through forests, and an
amusement park to finally find the mask.
139. Love and War! Battle of Glove vs. Pants!!
Ataru dons a magical glove in order to bop Jariten, but
the glove is part of a magical pair. When Ataru finally dons the
both, he is bestowed with an amazing and uncontrollable ability
to super punch anyone coming close to him. Sakura and Cherry
prescribe one way to remove the gloves. Have a match; to which
Megane shows up in magical wrestler's pants and Mendou in another
magical outfit.
140. Lum-chan's Becoming a Cow?
In a pet store, Lum is bit by a cow, which she zaps. In
the following days, she feels she is turning into a were-cow and
a change in her horns seems to indicate this.
141. Great Achievement! The Film of Lum-chan's Youth
Ataru, Lum, Mendou, Shinobu, and Lum's Guard are making a
love story movie about Lum. Ataru and Lum are lovers but because
of Ataru's infidelity, Lum goes off with Mendou and Ataru tries
desperately to get her back. In the end, Mendou, Ataru, and Shinobu
are not at all pleased with the movie and attack Megane.
142. Ghostbusting! Exorcising the Beautiful Sakura!
At school, Sakura's office is full of demons that she
can't get rid of because Cherry is using her wand of papers to
exorcise a sake drinking demon. Ataru goes off to find the wand.
And finds Cherry in the middle of exorcising and ensues in a
fight with Ten and a cat. Ataru runs off with the wand and Jariten
flies off with the demon who is trapped in a bottle. Sakura
eventually gets her wand back and she needs it because Ten and
Lum free the demon not knowing what it is.
143. Attack of the Protozoa! Panic at the Poolside
The students are cleaning the school's swimming pool when
Jariten shows up and proves to be a real pest. After a fashion,
Jariten presents some protozoa seeds. The pool is suddenly flooded
and the seeds grow into a giant protozoa that swallows Ataru
and Mendou into a other natural world where they meet Adam and Eve.
144. Here Again! The Hunter of Love, Princess Kurama
Princess Kurama uses a compter to find a lover and gets
Rei. She steals Rei from Ran so Ran gets Lum to help, but Ataru
shows up to make things worse. Finally Kurama forgets about Rei
when she sees him turn into a bull-tiger.
145. The Fox's Unrequited Love
First episode with Kitsune, the little fox who loves
Shinobu and can sort of polymorph. Kitsune comes to Tomobiki and
is saved by Shinobu from some dogs. Falling in love with Shinobu,
Kitsune goes to school the next day to be with her and because of
his polymorphing he causes a bit of confusion and fighting.
146. Ryunosuke Confused! Solid Rock Mother Cherishes Her Young Pebble!
During a vacation at the beach, Ryunosuke meets a woman
who greets Ryu as her child. But this woman acts a little odd and
doesn't say much. Unfortunately, at the end, the woman turns out
to be a metamorphic turtle who was looking for her turtle child,
who was disguised as a rock but is found at the end.
147. The Stairs! Footsteps in the Girls Dorm!!
Ataru tells Jariten a old ghost story about a spirit who
appears as a beautiful woman then seduces and kills men. She is
noted by a lantern she carries and a wooden clanking sound. That
night, and nights after, despite Lum's efforts, Ataru is spirited
away by a ghostly lantern, but returns every morning claiming to
have been to paradise. So one night, Lum, Mendou, Ten, and Cherry
follow Ataru.
148. Pool Spooks! Burning with Forbidden Love
Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, Mendou, and Jariten are at a beachside
hotel pool. Lum trying to improve Jariten swimming with a device
that looks likes a fish. When attached to someone's stomach, it
propels in the opposite direction one is swimming in order to
build strength. Accidentally this gets attached to Ataru which
makes it difficult to have fun swimming. In the second part, we
meet the little goblin from story 57 who is in an aquarium. He
trying to get his pet fish back from a nasty shark wearing sunglasses,
so the kids offer to help.
149. Ran-chan's Panic: No Tomorrow for Tomobiki
Ran buys a spiked pearl to give to Rei, but it slips through
a rip in her pouch and Kotatsu finds it. When Ran realizes it's gone,
she gets everyone into a panic because this pearl can go supernova.
Ataru lets that knowledge slip out while asking a policeman about
the pearl and the town goes into a panic blaming Ataru.
150. Where is Love's Home? Kuriko and Chojuro
While picking fruits in an orchard, Lum discovers a living
fruit that wants to be with another living fruit it loves. By
sitting on a person's head, these two fruits can posses a person
somewhat, but no completely. So a struggle ensues as to who will
bear the fruits so that they may be together.
151. Man or Bird? Gokakenran, Champion of Justice!
Jariten meets and helps revive an aging superhero. This
superhero, who has a terribly long and silly name, helps train
Jariten to be his replacement by giving Jariten a costume and
some items.
152. Attack your Seniors! Revenge of the Infamous Three Daughters
The skebans return and fail to best Oyuki or Benten, so
they try to get Lum. Ataru and Lum make a deal that for one day,
Ataru may chase all the girls he wants if he will date Lum. Lum
never even notices the skebans, although she zaps them several
times; until the end when they outright confront her. So she zaps
them again.
153. Blaze, Secret Powers! Stick to the Straight and Narrow Path
Lum brings a red oval-shaped alien to class and makes the kids
preform a talent show to his liking or they will not be allowed to leave.
154. Don't Die! Ryoko Special Straw Doll
Ryoko makes a voodoo doll of her brother Shutaro and gives
it to Ataru, only telling him that it's important and he should
always keep it close to him. During the day, Ataru unknowingly
causes Mendou great pain and finally Mendou figures out how.
155. Hell Encounter! Armored Girl; Beauty or Beast?
Part 1. First episode with Asuka Mizunokoji, younger
sister to Tobimaro. Mendou's parents and the Mizunokoji parents are
arranging a marriage between Shutaro and Asuka, but all we've
seen of Asuka is a hulk of Armour. Tobimaro and Shutaro fight
over the marriage. Ataru catches a glimpse of Asuka and pursues
her. When he finally catches her, Lum zaps him which causes the
Armour to fall off.
156. Love of the Armored Girl! Maidenly Feelings Reeling
Part 2. We find out that Asuka was raised never seeing a
male, and Ataru makes a bad first impression, causing Asuka to be
terrified of males. After a lot of fighting and running, Asuka is
captured and Ataru and Mendou fight over who will marry her.
Tobimaro nobly defends his sister causing her to fall in love
with him. The episode ends with Ryoko, who loves Tobimaro, entering
and blowing up everything.
157. I Dearly Need You! Return of the Honest Fox!
Kitsune is told a story about a Kitsune who uses magic
seeds to turn a woman into a fox, Kitsune gets some of this seed
and tries to get Shinobu to eat it but everyone ends up having
some after it is put into Cherry's cooking pot.
158. What Do I Care for Talking Flowers!
Thanks to Cherry, some flowers of Ran's are set loose and
quickly multiply. These flowers can repeat anything they hear and
end up doing so in very bad places and times. Everywhere, things
are going into panic because of the flowers, but Lum and Ran
manage to collect and contain them all...they think.
159. The Birth of Ten-chan's Son? I Didn't Know a Thing
A space carrier passing Earth accidentally drops some
weird eggs on it. As Ten soon finds out, these eggs attach them
selves to one's belly and after a little time, hatch a bee that
looks like the person. The little Ten-bee causes Ten a lot of
problems, but soon Ten isn't the only one being bee-set. Finally,
the delivery duck picks up the bees he dropped at the beginning.
160. Lum's Courageous Duel! An Ironic Victory
A junior female student at Tomobiki is bring bothered by
Soban and his flunkies, but Lum zaps them and saves her. Lum then
promises the girl that she will fight Soban for her and win.
However, Lum finds that getting the strength will not be easy, so
she uses a pair of strength wristbands and some special pills
that temporarily give her super strength and she fight Soban.
161. Job Hunting! Sneaky Return of the Reject!
Kaede, the ninja girl, is found by Mendou and gives her a
job as bodyguard in order to hide her. The old lady ninja master
shows up and Ryoko sets up a race for Kaede to see if she's good
enough for her job.
162. Tomobiki High School Survival! Who Are the Survivors!
Three boys at Tomobiki High school have a motherly love
for tomatoes, and when Jariten accidentally burns their green
house, they beat him up. Jariten takes revenge by sinking the
school roof high into the ground. Everyone gets uneasy and blame
falls on the three tomato boys, who start fighting back.
163. The Mysterious Giant Cake! Love's Fleeing Panic!!
Ryoko invites everyone to a party inside a giant cake
hall. Once everyone has arrived, Ryoko lets it be know that the
cake is infested with bombs all set to go off soon. With a bomb
detector, Lum and the other's try to find all the bombs and end
up at the top of the cake. Where Ryoko is waiting with a machine
gun, tries to convince Tobimaro to marry her. But a puppeteer
tells Ryoko it's time for the bombs to detonate, so she leaves unscathed.
164. Underground Reincarnation! What's Darling Thinking Of!?
Ataru, Lum, Shinobu, and Mendou planes crash on an island
and meet a girl and her father in a village where large bamboo
shoots instantly grow at noon. The village also has special
mushrooms that make one fall asleep in a burst of light and the
surrounding area becomes one's dream world. The kids each eat
one, but only Ataru's is special.
165. Snow Panic? The Mendou Family Cherry Blossom Display Banquet!
The kids are having a celebration outside and end up all
getting intoxicated and performing a play that takes place in
feudal Japan.
166. From the Far Spring! The Tale of the Lonely Fairy!
A snow fairy is watching Ataru during the day and makes a
date with him for tomorrow. When Tomorrow arrives. Shinobu is
telling Lum's Stormtroopers about snow fairies while Ataru is meeting
with her in the forest. She speaks with him in a way that makes
him think of his relation with Lum and when he returns home, he's
in an odd mood.
167. To Dreamland! Darling Battle Royal Abduction
Lum is growing some special Dream-Fruit berries and Ten-chan
secretly gives on to Sakura, and Lum gives one to Ataru. Every night,
Sakura and Ataru meet in there dreams, which is very unpleasing
to Sakura. Thrice is too much and Sakura demands an explanation.
Lum takes a dream-berry and all three of them have a fight in
dreamland over who will marry who, since there are two Ataru's
in this dreamland, the real one and the dream one.
168. Return of the Three Daughters! The Great Scheme to Seduce Darling!
Sugar, Ginger, and Pepper try to seduce Ataru, but fail
miserably. So they use an aphrodisiac spray which causes Ataru to
fall in love with just about everyone and everything but the
three girls.
169. The Scampering Kotatsu Cat! Anything to Get Warm
Kotatsu Neko buys a Kotatsu that refuses to let a blanket be put
on it. After examination, Ataru discovers the Mendou crest on it
calls Mendou...an idiot; but that summons Mendou just as easily.
After a fashion, the kotatsu meets another living kotatsu and the
two go off together.
170. Ryunosuke's Father's Self Sacrificing Devotion! His Wife is Within Images!
Ryu is again pressing her father if information about her
mother. Mr. Fujinami tries to get a new wife to be Ryu's mother,
but his silly attempts are useless. Finally Mr. Fujinami takes
Ryu to a amusement park where he and Masako (Mrs. Fujinami) used
to work before marriage, and he gives Ryu, Masako's work outfit.
171. Spring Blossom! Frozen by Oyuki's Cold
Ran needs money for a date with Rei, so she convinces
Oyuki to help her and they set up a stall at a festival. But Ran
tries to sneak away with the money after she had promised to give
half to Oyuki, so Oyuki freezes Ran and takes all the money. Next
day, both Ran and Oyuki have a cold, but Oyuki's cold causes her
to uncontrollably freeze everything around her and her cure
requires capturing Kotatsu Neko.
172. Panic Among Friends! I Love to Eat Blowfish
Lum and Ataru buy a blowfish. Jariten likes it as a pet,
but Ataru wants to have it grow so he can eat it. Jariten gives
the fish the same snack he gave the swallow back in story 4 and
the fish can now fly and spit electricity. The fish goes out and
gets into frays with Cherry, Kotatsu, Mr. Fujinami, and causes
Mendou and some girls to get mad at Ataru.
173. The Armored Girl Returns! Plenty of Older Brothers
Asuka comes to Tomobiki High School to deliver a scroll
message to Mendou. But seeing all the boys at school frightens
Asuka. Then she happens to fall in on Ryu. Asuka thinks Ryu is a
boy, and Ryu tries to show Asuka the truth.
174. The Boredom Syndrome! Is Tomobiki Wasting Away?
Ataru drinks a can of eye drops Lum left in his room,
thinking it was juice. Because of this, his and other's dreams
start having weird effects. Next day in school, things start
duplicating. First Ataru, then Mendou, Shinobu, Sakura, and even
the city itself.
175. Look Out, Ran! Kotatsu Neko's Primary Love is Oden!?
Ran make a special pot of stew that has been magicked so
that Rei will be madly in love with Ran. But Kotatsu walks in and
gulps it all down and starts to follow Ran around, much to Ran's
annoyance. After much fleeing, Ran tries making another batch of
stew and we find out that all Kotatsu really wanted was another
pot of Ran's yummy stew.
176. The Armored Girl Returns Again! A Storm Raising Date
Mrs. Mizunokoji has Mendou and Asuka go on a date on their
estate, but Ataru interferes to scare Asuka. Asuka goes on a
rampage destroying everything until her mother tries to cure her
fear by handcuffing her to Ataru. Big mistake.
177. Arrival of the Mysterious Priest! The Bell Battle Royal
In the first part, everyone in school is desperately
trying to get Sakura in her office. Later a priest shows up and
rings Ataru, Shinobu, Ryu, Lum, Mendou, and Sakura to a great
bell in a shrine and ask them to rings the bell, promising to
give them "kane" (money) After a lot of silly ways of ringing the
bell, the priest gives them all "kane" (bells) proportional in
size to the number of times they each rang the bell.
178. First Love Relived!? A Return to the Past for Lum and Rei
Jariten finds part of a love locket Lum and Rei got when they were going
together. At a birthday party for Mendou's favorite octopus, Lum tries to hide
this fact, especially from Ataru. But Rei shows up and makes matters difficult.
179. Appearance of the Youthful Old Man! Shine, Great Teahouse of Dreams!
A middle-aged man and his daughter opens up a teahouse
which constantly becomes the scene of many fights between Tomobiki
High School students and staff. Ultimately the man must close
because of them, but he's not leaving without getting his revenge...
180. I Love Darling's Sincerity
A ghost girl who fell in love with Ataru while she was
alive wants to have a date with him. She spent most of her life
in the hospital and made a scarf, mittens, and most of a sweater
before dying; all of which she wanted to give to the handsome boy
she saw from her window, Ataru. Finally, she wants to be with him
in a snowfall, but it's June. However a sudden fireworks display
gives the same effect and the ghost leaves. Next day, Ataru and
Lum visits her grave with some flowers.
181. The Honest Fox Again! I Love Shinobu
This episode is notable for the appearance of Hokuto-Kun
(Hokuto No Ken/Fist of the North Star) Kitsune goes to Tomobiki High School and bring
the class back to his class in the woods on a flying bus.
182. I Love the Sea! Prayers for the Thriving Hamajaya!?
At the beach, Ataru, Mendou, Shinobu, Lum, and Ryu are
trying to attract customers for the Hamajaya restaurant, but Mr.
Fujinami keeps scaring away the customers. But Lum manages to
find a lot of customers who aren't scared off.
183. Ryunosuke vs. Benten! The Fruitless Duel of Passion
Benten comes to visit Lum and again meets Ryunosuke, but
Mr. Fujinami is trying to convince Benten that Ryu is a boy.
Benten finds out the truth, and the school principal stages a
femininity contest between the two.
184. The Magic Bottle! What's to Become of Me?
Jariten buys a magic bottle that can shrink anything down
to fit in the bottle. Lum is accidentally caught in this and with
her new size she has trouble not only protecting Darling, but
herself as well.
185. The Great Devil's Debut! Lum's Dangerous Purchase!
Discipline in school raises to a new peak because of the
disturbances caused by the arrival of packages from space for
Lum. The parts are for a giant robot whom Lum brings to school
and he incites a full scale war between the students and the
combined faculty and Mendou Corps.
186. Goodness! Words Aren't Getting to Darling
During a fight between Ataru and Ten at breakfast, Ataru
misses Ten and hits Lum with a rice cooker; causing her to forget
how to understand or speak Japanese. Ataru at first sees this as
a blessing and begins a girl hunt feast.
187. The Devil's Summer! Ten-chan's Eel Lunch Plot!
Jariten gets a fever from stayimg in the sun too long and
the cure is to be made very cold. So he tries to hide his illness
from Lum as he helps some faeries get back their eel lunches they
lost, which Sakura found. These fairies look like Ataru and Sakura,
and their children look like someone special when they hatch.
188. Visitation Panic! I Didn't Mean Any Harm
Ran gets sick and asks Lum to come over by sending Lum
exploding dolls, missiles and the like. Finally Lum comes over
and tries her best to make Ran feel comfortable. But trying isn't
succeeding. Or is it.
189. Scary! Is That an Octopus on Shutaro's Head?
An apparition of one of Shutaro's favorite octopi appears
on his head and cannot be removed. So he calls in Ataru, Lum,
Sakura, Shinobu, and Cherry for for help.
190. Invader From Space! He's After Lum's Lips!
A space centaur comes to Earth where he takes the guise of
Ataru and tries to kiss every girl in school, but fails. He does
manage to kiss Mendou though and then he tries to kiss Lum.
191. Space Survival! They are the Eaters
On a spaceship near Earth, an alien is cleaning a special
food bowl and drops it. It arrives at Tomobiki High School and we
soon find out it can magically present any food spoken to it.
192. It's a Thrill! The Terrible Overhead Cooler
It's a hot summer day, and the heat is bothering everyone
except Lum. She has a chunk of ice floating over her head keeping
her cool. and she offers some to everyone. However, if one doen't
keep a cool head, the ice conks one on the head.
193. Love Attack! The Romance Never Stops!!
Lum buys a plant that grows a little cupid. She then gets
the cupit to try hitting Ataru with an arrow. But as usual,
things never turn out quite as well as they could. Shinobu,
Mendou, Ryunosuk and even her dad all get involved as well as many others.
194. Rare Form! Worries for Mother the Firefighter!!
Ten's mother visits and Jariten wants to give her a bouquet
of carnations to show his love for her. However, one by one,
he either loses or gives away the flowers and ends up missing
her. but at night, he manages to catch and give her the last one.
195. Hardselling Happiness! Out of Focus Bluebird!!
An escaped alien convict, a bluebird, come to Tomobiki and
begins to grant people's wishes. This causes some of the most
outrageous results.
196. Great Uproar! Ryunosuke's First Time Wearing a Swimsuit!!
Ryunosuke has a final showdown with her father. If she
wins, she gets to wear her mother's bathing suit. As this epsiode
opens, we get to see a lot of past characters in the crowd; and
we move to a flashback where Ryu finds some letters that cause
her to be happy with her father.
197. I Want a Bride! The Fox's Love Adventure!
Kitsune comes to Tomobiki High School during a costume festival
to see Shinobu.
198. How Persistent! The Three Daughters' Great Animal Plan!
Sugar, Ginger, and Pepper try to use various animals to
humiliate Benten, Oyuki, and Lum. On a day the class goes on a
field trip to the zoo.
199. Fast Money in Fast Fighting! Hamajaya's Forbidden Business
The Fujinamis are camping out on the beach as some form
of training and disciphline...at least...Ryu is. Next day, Mr.
Fujinami sets up a fish garden in a swimming pool and charges a
mere 500 yen for entry. but it turns out this fish garden is full
of sharks, electric eels, and other dangerous sea animals.
200. Wish Upon a Star! The Winning Family's Consumer Panic
A wishing star crashes in the Moroboshi house and offers
to grant three wishes which are to be written on paper which it
will eat. Mr. Moroboshi dreams of a perfect wife and daughter,
while Ataru dreams of...what else.
201. Special Delivery Kiss! Darling's First Jealousy!
A frog arrives by space mail for Lum in class. He says he
was once a prince but was turned into a frog and a kiss will
restore him. He even has a picture of his former self.
202. Scary Sake! Sakura's Possession a Big Failure
Sakura's drinking sake invokes a powerful serpent demon
which starts causing troble for Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, and Mendou at
Mendou's residence. Cherry shows up to try and set things right.
But invokes a frog and a snail demon who side with the snake.
203. It's Strange! Cherry's Yoga School!
Cherry instructs Ataru, Lum, Sakura, Mendou, and Shinobu in
yoga lessons that's all I can say.
204. Good-bye Onsen-Sensei!? Tearful Good-bye Marathon Banquet!
Onsen-Mark spends some time out in nature for health reasons.
He returns for a school marathon and plans to have a final duel with Ataru.
205. Pure Love Sakura! The Slippery Soap of Seperation?
Sakura and Tsubame's relationship is having problems. They
only get worse after a game of tennis. Sakura accidentally uses
Lum's soap which causes Sakura to become very slippery to the touch.
206. Asuka vs. Older Brother! Battle for Certain Love!
Lum introduces two new items to try and help Tobimaro and
Asuka's relationship. A seed that when placed on Tobimaro's head,
sprots into a sunflower that gives him super strength in sunlight.
The other is a seed that sprouts into many vines that the wearer
can control, and this is for Asuka.
207. Darling's Ill Omen! The Dreaded Shijimoto Oracle!!
Lum and Ataru are at a Shijimoto festival and visit serval
stalls to discover their forturnes. Lum takes Ataru to a strange
one through a magic gateway and Ataru recevies the shock of his life.
208. New Years Panic! The Mendou Family's Human Parcheesi Tournament!
Lum, Ataru, Shinobu, Mendou, and Jariten are invited to
Mendou's grandfather's special house which is set up with all
kinds of traps. Meanwhile, the rest of the Mendou family makes a game of the others attempts to get through the house.
209. Dreaming Ten-chan! The Great Adventure at the End of the Rainbow!
Jariten meets a magical little man in a puddle reflection
who has lost his magical umbrella, and if Jariten can return it,
the man will let Jariten visit a dreamland. But finding and
returning the umbrella proves to be difficult.
210. I Want to Date! Ataru's Test Program!
It's test time at school. Ataru asks everyone for help,
but the only one to help is Lum. She uses a weird machine to copy
Mendou's notes but ends up getting Ataru and the notes intermixed.
Next day in school, Ataru is copying everyone's actions. After
recovery, Ataru get a little luck token from his mother that
produces a little sprite who tries to help Ataru during the test.
211. Darling Said He Loved Me
Sakura makes a special candy for Shinobu and Lum that
causes one to be very kind, honest, and noble. Lum tricks Ataru
into eating this and Ataru's manner is not exactly a change for
the better.
212. Death-Defying House Call! A Teacher Life is Dangerous too
Onsen-Mark visits the homes of Ryunosuke, Mendou, Shinobu
and Ataru; in that order. But each visit only proves to be trouble,
until Onsen-Mark visits Lum's house.
213. Total Chaos! Ran-chan's Double Doll!
As Jariten arrives at school, he get's into a fight with
the class. Ran's dolls show up, blow up; and Lum, Ran, Ataru, Shinobu
Ten, and Mendou end up staying after school. Ultimately they start
fighting again until Kotatsu accidentally awakens a special doll of Ran's.
214. Blind Love! You Bet Your Life, Honest Fox
Kitsune hears a story about a woman who was trapped in a
picture by a demon and saved by a hero. Finding a picture of Shinobu,
Kitsune sets off to find a demon and defeat it. and guess who he attacks.
215. Come Quickly, Darling! Lum's Dangerous Marriage Talk
First episode with Shingo, the boy who lives in the electric
jungle. Shingo, who has been raised by television since he was lost
in the electric jungle as a child, goes out to chivalrously find a
girlfriend. He meets Lum and Lum asks Shingo to help her with a plan.
By pretending to be kidnapped, Lum hopes to make Ataru jealous, but
Lum's capture goes from pretend to real.
216. It's Unbearable! Ran's Mischief Campaign
Ran and Lum are remembering childhood times and all Ran can
recall are bad memories. Ran decides to send out a small spy of her's
that can cause one to remember old grudges, and first it strikes
Ryunosuke, and then Ataru.
217. Urusei Yatsura Pre-Departure Special! Shine!
This episode lists the top ten favorite U.Y. stories in the introduction
and reruns the most favorite, story 67.
218. All-Star Banquet! We Are Immortal!!
In the oddest places, everyone is finding invitations to a
festival. They gather to try and figure out who is responsible
and decide to attend and see what happens. What happens is the
sun goddess show up. and at the end of the episode many many
familiar people form the series show up as well.

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